
Poll Shock: Trump Clinches Slim Lead Over Biden In Election Face-off!

A new poll from J.L. Partners-DailyMail says that former President Donald Trump is now ahead of Vice President Joe Biden in a made-up race for president in 2024. 45 percent of the 1,000 likely voters polled say they back Trump, while 44 percent say they support Biden. There has been a three-point change in Trump's favor since June, when he had 44% of the vote and Biden had 46%.

Trump is clearly very popular with Republicans because he is getting everyone excited about the party. What's even more impressive is that he can get support from younger guys, black and Hispanic voters, and independents. This shows how well Trump can connect with a lot of different people and build a strong base of support.

In this study, Trump is ahead of Biden, and other Republican candidates are also doing well against the president. In potential matches, Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, is ahead by two points. Senator Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, are ahead by one point. There are a lot of strong candidates for vice president on the Republican side, which is good news for Biden.

Other recent national polls have also shown that Trump is ahead of Biden. This poll backs that up. Trump had a 10-point lead in the Washington Post-ABC News poll, but only a 5-point lead in the Messenger-Harris poll. Trump is ahead of Biden by one point in the CBS-YouGov poll and five points in the Harvard-Harris poll.

Overall, these poll results make it clear that Trump is still very popular and can beat Biden in a head-to-head battle. As the election for president in 2024 gets closer, it will be interesting to see how these numbers change and affect politics. It's likely that the Republicans will win the White House again if Trump or another strong candidate wins the nod.

Written by Staff Reports

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