
REPORT: Border Patrol Logs 8,000 Migrants Entering US Each Day

According to internal DHS communications, immigration officers say that the southwest border is the entry point for the most migrants each day.

According to communications, Border Patrol agents meet 8,000 migrants every day, which is a record for the United States. Customs and Border Protection are scrambling to create new processing methods in response to an influx of migrants.

The unusually high volume of interactions with migrants demonstrates the meager progress the Biden administration has made at the border. This Thursday, the White House accused former President Donald Trump of being responsible for the problem, claiming that he left President Joe Biden in charge of a "broken" immigration system. The Biden administration is taking "unprecedented action" at the southern border, according to the White House press secretary, who sided with the president. The White House has plans that include anti-smuggling task squads and new border technology.

But the results are uncertain. The migratory statistics weren't disputed by a CBP spokeswoman. According to a spokesman, "this year's traffic is similar to previous year's." 7,700 migrant interactions per day set a record in September, according to Border Patrol data.

According to CBP figures, there will be more monthly interactions with migrants in 2022 than in any other year. Due to the pleasant weather, the Border Patrol encounters more migrants in the fall and winter.

A senior DHS official remarked, "Either the Biden administration is ignorant or they are lying." The administration is rushing to open the gates faster because we are unable to handle the numbers that are flooding them.

This fiscal year, there were two million border interactions recorded, which is a record. The previous high was 2 million encounters with migrants in 2021.

When vice president Kamala Harris stated earlier this month that the border was secure, both Republicans and Democrats were incensed. Harris was called "dead wrong" by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV).

"For … the vice president, or anybody [to] say our borders are secured, that is not accurate. I've been there," Manchin told Fox News. "It's wrong."

Greg Abbott (R) has been busing immigrants to cities with Democratic mayors, such as Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. These cities' mayors have referred to the action as "inhumane" and asked for federal assistance.

Policy changes are to blame, according to critics of the Biden administration. The Migrant Protection Protocols program, which required asylum seekers to remain in Mexico until their court appearance, was discontinued by the DHS. Advocates claim that the program prevented immigrants from coming to the US.

It is no longer important to deport illegal immigrants. According to a 2017 article by The Free Beacon, the Biden administration saw a 90% decrease in deportations, which is the lowest number ever.

According to polls, Americans' top concern is the situation at the border. An NPR poll found that the majority of Americans worry about a "invasion" at the southern border.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON.

Written by Staff Reports

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