
RINO Kinzinger Attacks GOP Candidate With Disgusting Comments

Despite the election results being a disappointment for Republicans, there is some good news. Strangely, this has nothing to do with the ballot box.

After years of working closely with Nancy Pelosi, Illinois Democrats redistricted Adam Kinzinger out of his seat. However, the GOP's slim majority in the House means that Kinzinger will be limited to making appearances on MSNBC's Joy Reid's shows, which is to be welcomed.

Indeed, Kinzinger is a villain. On Sunday, he conducted a petty victory lap on social media, mocking his opponent Joe Kent in Washington's 3rd congressional district. Having done so, he has shown his true character.

No thanks, if this is "decent" conservatism.

As was said up top, Kent's wife passed away when she was serving with the United States Navy in Syria. You may find her gravesite in Virginia at Arlington National Cemetery. Kent's life and political career have been profoundly impacted by his loss, particularly his scepticism of American foreign policy. Kent is a seasoned veteran of the United States Army's Special Forces, having served in a variety of overseas roles.

After everything that Kent has done for the country, Kinzinger's vicious assault on him is beyond contemptible. I really don't want to go there, but he's already broken so many rules that I have no choice. It's ironic that Kinzinger, a staunch Never Trumper, would resort to such a "Trumpian" attack on Kent. Another again, the ex-president has shown his critics to be exactly what they claim to be.

Kent did not deserve to be harassed like that, and it is not acceptable to label someone a "white supremacist" just because you disagree with their opinions. However, we understand why this happened. The fervent neoconservative Kinzinger criticises everyone who opposes perpetual military conflict. A no-fly zone over Ukraine, which the soon-to-be ex-congressman argued for, would have meant direct conflicts with Russia. A nuclear war in Europe was possible if this had happened. When was the last time a neoconservative considered the consequences of their position?

It's terrible that Kinzinger thinks he's "never lost." The only reason he quit was because Democrats lied to him about redistricting, and that's a failing strategy. He is a hollow, despondent mess who seeks public adulation, and yet he still kowtows to those who destroyed his political career.

Whether or not you agree with Kent's views, he's a good person. All these years have shown it to be true. This ridiculous political practise of labelling anybody who oppose illegal immigration or foreign intervention (which killed Kent's wife) as traitors or "white racists" must cease. As for Kinzinger, all he can do is pound sand at this point.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Red State.

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