
RNC Chair McDaniel Claps Back at Ramaswamy’s Resignation Call

The Republican National Committee Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, woke up this morning to some serious shade coming from Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, and she’s not having any of it. Ramaswamy had the audacity to demand her resignation after the GOP suffered some losses in recent key elections, but Ronna isn’t backing down. She went on Fox Business’s Varney & Company to give Ramaswamy a piece of her mind, stating that his call for her to step down is just a desperate cry for attention because, let’s be real, the guy is polling lower than basement prices on Black Friday.

She made it clear that the real focus should be on the issues that matter to the American people, like Joe Biden’s missteps, the border crisis, rising crime rates, and the fentanyl epidemic. Ronna didn’t stop there; she proudly boasted about her track record as the RNC chair, reminding everyone that she played a crucial role in the GOP’s victory in Michigan during the 2016 election and the House of Representatives win in 2022.

Some may point fingers at her for the recent losses, but Ronna had a different take. She pointed the finger squarely at the party’s lackluster performance on the issue of abortion. In her eyes, the GOP’s failure to effectively message on the topic allowed the Democrats to swoop in and dominate the narrative, especially in states like Virginia and Kentucky. McDaniel left no room for doubt, laying out the harsh truth that the party dropped the ball on the whole abortion messaging front and allowed the Dems to run wild with their agenda.

But wait, there’s more. When Ramaswamy tried to beef up his argument by insinuating that Ronna hasn’t been offering him any support, she swiftly shut him down, stating that the RNC doesn’t meddle in those state-level shenanigans and the dude clearly needs a crash course on party operations. Plus, she slyly threw in a jab about his past voting record, claiming he was once an Obama supporter.

Ramaswamy didn’t take Ronna’s rebuttal lying down, though. He fired back on social media, calling her out for refusing to allocate funds to support his campaign and even accused the RNC of corruption. He also flat out denied ever voting for Obama, citing yet another bone of contention between the two.

Clearly, there’s some serious tension in the air between these two big names in the Republican arena. With the 2024 presidential race heating up, it’s bound to get even spicier. So, grab your popcorn, folks. This ain’t over yet!

Written by Staff Reports

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