
Rubio UNLEASHES On Left Wing Fundraising Scandal

ActBlue, a notorious fundraising platform for Democrat campaigns, is once again under the uproar of baseless scandals. This time, it’s for fraudulent practices that predatorily targeted senior citizens through illegal contributions without their awareness or consent. Senator Marco Rubio from Florida has caught wind of ActBlue’s supposedly fraudulent activities and has fired off a letter to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) urging investigations to be launched immediately.

According to recent reports, ActBlue has illegally engaged in thousands of dollars in donations, catering to small donors and taking money from senior citizens without their knowledge. Despite its fraudulent practices, ActBlue does not require card verification values (CVV) as a requirement for donating, making it highly vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous foreign actors. Unlike most political campaigns and political action committees, ActBlue does not require an essential security feature that most online transactions make mandatory for donations.

Rubio made a scathing remark during his letter to the FEC’s Chairwoman, citing that it’s unsurprising for ActBlue to be a fraudster hub because it intentionally lacks security in its donor systems and processes. Through this profound lack of security, ActBlue readily serves as a “vessel for fraud” and must be immediately investigated by the regulatory agency.

Notably, the FEC only requires an email address and credit card number for donations to be processed, while ActBlue does not require the CVV to stop fraudsters. By exposing senior citizens to fraudulent donations, ActBlue bears the responsibility of systemically preying on their donations while putting their identities and finances on the line.

Senator Rubio has requested answers from the FEC, including questioning whether the commission is aware of these widespread fraudulent activities, and why it declined to investigate ActBlue. He also reintroduced his Codification of Verified Values Act to ensure political campaigns make CVV mandatory for political donations.

The FEC must launch an immediate investigation into ActBlue’s fraudulent activities that took advantage of senior citizens. These criminal activities undermine the democratic process and must be brought to light for justice to prevail.

Written by Staff Reports

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