
Sununu Powers Up Haley’s 2024 Charge Against Trump Juggernaut

In the latest episode of “Politics: Where the Drama Never Ends,” Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) is making moves in the 2024 Republican presidential primary endorsement race. With all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, Sununu is hoping to one-up Governor Kim Reynolds (R-IA) by throwing his full support behind former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who is set to battle it out with none other than former President Donald Trump in the upcoming New Hampshire nominating contest.

Now, Sununu might not have the same bravado as a WWE wrestler, but he’s flexing his political muscles by publicly endorsing Haley and lending her his political network. It’s like a high-stakes game of presidential chess. But here’s the plot twist: Sununu and Haley are facing off against the colossal force that is the Trump movement in the Granite State. It’s like David versus Goliath, if David had a killer political strategy and Goliath had a Twitter account.

Despite the uphill battle, Sununu has been tirelessly stumping for Haley, hoping to rally centrist Republicans around her. According to some politics professor dude named Dante Scala, Sununu’s support has actually closed the polling gap between Haley and Trump. The former president only has a 13-point lead over Haley in New Hampshire, which is quite a dent in his armor considering his usual 30-point wins in more conservative territories.

But wait, there’s drama brewing in the ranks. It seems that conservative Republicans, the ones who have previously thrown their support behind both Sununu and Trump, are not easily swayed by endorsements. They’re a tough crowd to please, and they won’t blindly follow Haley just because Sununu says so. It’s like trying to convince a bunch of teenagers to clean their rooms – good luck with that!

As if the plot couldn’t thicken any more, Trump is swooping in to rain on Haley’s parade. He’s out there in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, dissing Haley and even comparing her to a Democrat. It’s like a WWE smackdown, but with way more political ramifications. Meanwhile, a certain politics professor named Scala doesn’t seem all that impressed with Governor Reynolds’ endorsement track record. Apparently, she’s about as popular as broccoli at a kids’ birthday party.

But hold onto your popcorn, folks, because this is where it gets juicy. Sununu has been going all in for Haley, which is apparently a big deal in the world of New Hampshire politics. According to a former state attorney general and Republican bigwig named Thomas Rath, Sununu’s involvement in Haley’s campaign is deeper than a lot of previous governors. The guy doesn’t do anything halfway, kind of like how you eat a whole bag of potato chips when you know you should stop at just one. That’s dedication, my friends.

Now, in the game of presidential endorsements, there’s this thing called “soft power,” which apparently governors have in spades. They can draw crowds for candidates and raise money for their campaigns, kind of like a political pied piper leading the masses. It’s all about generating buzz and making headlines, and governors like Sununu can open doors that help candidates do just that. It’s like they have the golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but instead of chocolate, it’s political clout.

But, of course, no political drama is complete without a little backstabbing and underhanded tactics. Just when you thought things couldn’t get more chaotic, Sununu has been making some strategic blunders that have set higher expectations for Haley. He’s been playing the expectations game, hyping up Haley’s chances in Iowa only to backtrack and lower the bar when she didn’t perform as well as expected. It’s like a game of political chess, but with a few extra curveballs thrown in.

Speaking of curveballs, guess who’s been taking shots at Sununu? None other than DeSantis’s campaign, pointing out Sununu’s missteps and questionable statements. It’s like a political game of “I told you so,” and DeSantis’s camp is all too eager to rub it in. Trump has also been throwing shade at Sununu, criticizing him for endorsing Haley and allowing independent voters to take part in the Republican primary. It’s like high school drama, but with much higher stakes.

The drama doesn’t end there, folks. There’s a former Democratic state Rep. named Timothy Egan who’s throwing some shade of his own. He’s praising Sununu for endorsing Haley, but he’s not too thrilled with Sununu’s pledge to support Trump even if the former president is convicted of a crime. It’s like a political soap opera, and we’re all just here for the drama.

So, buckle up, because this political rollercoaster is just getting started. With more twists and turns than a daytime soap opera, the 2024 Republican presidential primary is shaping up to be a battle for the ages. Grab your popcorn and get ready for the political showdown of the century!

Written by Staff Reports

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