
Tlaib Sides with Terrorists: Blames Israel, Ignores Hamas Atrocities

Oh boy, hold onto your hats folks, because here comes another mind-boggling display of anti-Israel sentiment from none other than the notorious Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). This woman never ceases to amaze with her outrageous statements, and this time is no exception.

Now, let’s get one thing straight, folks: Rep. Tlaib is about as anti-Israel and far-left as they come. So, it shouldn’t come as a shocker that she would make such a heinous statement in response to the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. You know, the one where 1,000 radical Islamic madmen invaded Southern Israel, leaving a trail of destruction and death in their wake. It was a horrifying campaign of terror, with innocent Israeli civilians, including babies, being brutally murdered.

But guess what? Instead of condemning Hamas and their despicable actions, Tlaib decided to go on a rant about lifting the blockade, ending the occupation, and dismantling the so-called “apartheid system.” Spare me the nonsense, Tlaib. It’s clear as day that you have an agenda against Israel, and you’re using this tragedy to push your distorted narrative.

And here’s the kicker, folks. Tlaib didn’t even mention Hamas once in her statement. Nope, it was all about blaming Israel and calling for aid to be cut off. Seriously? Does she think we’re all fools? It’s Hamas who orchestrated this attack, not Israel. But I guess in Tlaib’s twisted world, everything is Israel’s fault.

But wait, it gets even worse. When asked about her thoughts on the mass slaughter, Tlaib didn’t even have the decency to answer. Instead, she smirked, as if the loss of innocent lives is some kind of sick joke to her. It’s truly despicable.

And let’s not forget about Tlaib’s little rendezvous with terrorist sympathizers over the weekend. It’s no surprise that she would cozy up to those who support radical Islamic terrorists. After all, birds of a feather flock together, right?

Folks, it’s clear that Tlaib and her sidekick Ilhan Omar are more concerned with protecting the interests of terrorists than standing up for the safety and security of Israelis. It’s a sad and disturbing reality, but it’s the truth.

So, to all the ladies out there who support Tlaib’s outrageous statements, I have one question for you: Do you really celebrate the deaths of Israelis? Because that’s the message Tlaib is sending loud and clear. It’s about time we stand up against this kind of hate and extremism. Israel deserves better, and so do we.

Written by Staff Reports

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