
Tree-Huggers Target Your Cocktails: Climate Alarmists now Ice-Cube Enemies!

Cocktail lovers, brace yourselves! The climate catastrophizers are at it again, and this time they’re coming for your precious ice cubes. Yes, you heard that right. Those pesky climate alarmists are now targeting the very essence of our beloved cocktails. Margaritas, Bloody Marys, bourbon on the rocks – all in danger of losing their icy, refreshing touch. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and say, “Enough is enough!”

Scientific American, the so-called “scientific journal,” has published an article titled “Climate-Friendly Cocktail Recipes Go Light on Ice,” arguing that climate change demands an end to enjoyable amounts of ice in our drinks. Oh, the horror! Apparently, ice-making machines require water, and that’s just too much for our delicate planet to handle. But let’s be honest, who even asked for climate-friendly cocktails in the first place?

In their attempt to villainize ice cubes, Scientific American claims that ice-making machines need around 100 gallons of water to produce 100 pounds of ice. Shocking, isn’t it? Well, not really. Shouldn’t this be expected? Anyway, the article goes on to suggest that this is so dire that even the Department of Energy has stepped in with restrictions on water-cooled ice machines. Has anyone called Greta Thunberg to solve this ice cube crisis?

But here’s the real kicker. According to the article, ice not only cools our cocktails, but it also changes their flavor, texture, and balance. Who would have thought? Shaking drinks with one-inch cubes aerates the alcohol and brings out subtle flavors, while crushed ice dilutes cocktails quickly, creating that slushy consistency we all love. Yet, Scientific American insists that we must sacrifice all this for the sake of “sustainability.”

The article further delves into the energy consumption of making ice and how much ice bars go through in a night. It’s a bunch of technical jargon that only a climate loon could love. The truth is, cocktail culture hasn’t been hit with the same scrutiny as other aspects of the hospitality industry. But that’s not a problem until some “scientific journal” decides it is.

So, here’s the bottom line: after reading that Scientific American article, it’s time for a well-deserved bourbon on the rocks – with plenty of ice. Just kidding – the author doesn’t drink. But apparently, not drinking is their little contribution to saving the planet. How noble.

Once again, we see the climate alarmists pushing their agenda and trying to ruin our favorite pastimes. Don’t let them take away your ice cubes, your cocktails, or your freedom to enjoy life. Stand up against this nonsense and let the climate loons know that enough is enough!

Source= RedState

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