
Veterans Affairs Video Pushes Abortion, Redefines Pregnancy!

In a surprising disclosure, a leaked training video originating from the Department of Veterans Affairs has come to light, revealing a promotion of abortion and an assertion that men can experience pregnancy. Indeed, according to this video, pregnancy is not solely a female experience. Critics argue that this video represents an attempt by progressive forces to challenge established biological norms and advocate for their unconventional ideologies.

The video, bearing the title "Reproductive Health Training," is aimed at educating VA personnel on how to engage with veterans who may be contemplating abortion. However, its content goes beyond mere counseling procedures. It commences with a "note" on language, emphasizing that "Not all individuals seeking abortions identify as women." Instead, it recommends using the term "person who is pregnant" instead of "pregnant woman."

The video extends its influence further by instructing staff to employ specific terminology when discussing abortion. Instead of "baby or unborn child," they are advised to say "embryo or fetus." Similarly, the term "mother" is replaced with "veteran or person." Critics argue that these language directives are designed to dehumanize the unborn and diminish the significance of pregnancy.

Furthermore, the controversy deepens as the VA is reported to provide abortion services for veterans and their dependents within their taxpayer-funded healthcare system. This means that even in states where abortions are legally restricted or prohibited, the VA is alleged to be flouting the law by conducting abortions. Critics assert that this not only violates the rights of the unborn but also represents a misuse of taxpayer funds.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, has strongly criticized the VA for imparting "radical pro-abortion ideology" in its training programs. She underscores that a majority of Americans do not wish for their tax dollars to support abortions, especially when it contravenes existing laws. Dannenfelser raises a pertinent question about the prioritization of ideological advocacy over the needs of veterans within the VA.

It is evident that the Department of Veterans Affairs under the Biden administration is championing a progressive pro-abortion agenda. Critics accuse them of exploiting the U.S. military apparatus to advance their cause, all while disregarding the rights of the unborn and the concerns of the American populace. This situation is viewed as yet another instance of the extreme and potentially unconstitutional policies being introduced by this administration. The call to action remains strong – to continue exposing and opposing what is seen as illegal extremism. The imperative is to provide our veterans with the care they deserve.




Written by Staff Reports

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