
WATCH: Black Americans Speak Out Against Biden’s 2024 Run

A video of several Black Americans speaking out against President Joe Biden’s reelection has gone viral on Twitter, and for a good reason. Biden’s support from the Black community has started to slip through his grasp, and these patriotic Americans are leading the charge to take back America. In the clip, two men and a woman are asked whether they feel the president deserves a second term. The answer is a resounding “No” from all of them.

One man highlighted the lack of anything substantial achieved by Biden’s administration so far, saying “He’s done nothing but destroy everything.” He mentioned how the President has let all the immigrants in, and that he doesn’t do anything except sleep with his eyes open. Another gentleman gave a succinct and precise answer when he said, “Nah, Trump Gang” when asked for his thoughts on Biden. His answer is pretty much what the majority of Americans are feeling right now, which is that we need President Trump back in the White House.

In the third clip, a woman who voted for President Biden admits that he let her down and says, “F*** Biden.” Her profanity might be shocking, but her message is clear, and it’s a sentiment many Americans feel.

This humorous and eye-opening video is grounded in polling that shows the President’s approval among Black Americans has plunged since taking office. Biden’s support among Black voters has fallen to +35 percent from +75 percent in 2020, a critical voting bloc for Democrats who must rely on strong turnout from urban communities to win swing states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. This collapse comes as no surprise since President Biden has failed to keep any of his election promises.

However, don’t be surprised if President Biden tries to leverage his appeal among Black Americans. He recently claimed that white supremacy is the greatest threat facing Americans today, appealing to a historically Black university. But Americans can see through his false facade, and we know he’s only paying lip service to this demographic.

In conclusion, this viral video proves that President Biden has not lived up to his promises and has let down the very people whom he sought to serve. The American people need a President who will put their interests first, and President Trump is undoubtedly the man for the job.

Source: Trending Politics

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