
Whistleblower Indicted: Biden Family Secrets in Crosshairs!

In a stunning turn of events, the Department of Justice has indicted Dr. Gal Luft, an Israeli academic and critical whistleblower in the Biden investigation. This comes just days after Luft released a video exposing the Biden family's ties to the Chinese government and alleged bribery. Luft was reportedly "missing" for several weeks prior to this indictment, indicating that whistleblower retaliation is at play here.

Luft faces severe allegations for neglecting to register as a foreign agent while advancing China's interests in the United States. However, it does not end there. In addition to allegations of arms trafficking, violation of Iranian sanctions, and providing false statements to federal agents, the eight-count indictment includes allegations of arms trafficking, violations of Iranian sanctions, and false statements to federal agents. Anyone should doubt the moral compass of the Biden family in light of this laundry list of illicit activities.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams was unequivocal when he stated, "Gal Luft engaged in multiple, serious criminal activities." Luft's actions are manifestly far from harmless. He channeled Chinese policy through a former high-ranking U.S. official, acted as a middleman in arms and Iranian energy transactions, and lied to law enforcement. This is the type of malfeasance that should infuriate the American people.

Luft and a co-conspirator allegedly constructed a written "dialogue" between a former United States government official and a Chinese national, which was published in a Chinese newspaper. Even conceivable roles this official could play in the incoming U.S. administration and the possibility of a "silent trip" to China were discussed. This is an obvious effort to penetrate our government and undermine our national security.

Mordechai Tzivin, Luft's attorney, asserts that his client possesses information that would "bury" Hunter Biden and "shift attention toward the president himself." This revelation only strengthens the argument that the Biden family is deeply entangled in corruption. It is time for the American people to demand explanations and hold the Biden family accountable for their questionable dealings.

Despite his courageous efforts to expose the truth, Luft is now being pursued by the very individuals he warned. He may have to spend the rest of his life in hiding, fearful of the repercussions he confronts for attempting to protect the nation from another scandal similar to the Russia collusion scandal. This tragic fact should cause every American to doubt the integrity of our government institutions.

However, it appears that the mainstream media is already attempting to diminish this explosive revelation. MSNBC is attempting to discredit Luft prior to his testimony using the time-honored "attack the messengers" tactic. They are collaborating with Democratic congressmen to disparage those investigating these grave allegations. Clearly, they do not want the truth to be revealed.

Thankfully, the American public is not purchasing it. A recent survey indicates that the majority of voters believe that President Biden accepted bribes from Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian entities. This pervasive public skepticism portends peril for the White House. The public does not accept the Democrats' denials of malfeasance.

It is time for us to demand accountability and transparency. The allegations made against the Biden family should not be disregarded or ignored. The American people deserve the truth, as well as leaders who place their country before their own personal gain. Let us persist in demanding answers and holding the Biden family accountable for their alleged malfeasance.

Written by Staff Reports

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