
Wolves Threaten Livelihoods: GOP Fights to Defend Ranchers & Adjust the Endangered List!

Alaska, the land of bears that can chomp through moose bones and rip truck doors off for a sandwich, has another wild bunch roaming around – wolves. These majestic creatures have their own chorus that can be chilling yet beautiful, but in other states like Oregon, they’re causing quite the ruckus. These pesky predators are putting ranchers and farmers on edge, and Republican lawmakers are saying enough is enough. They’re calling for the Biden administration to give the gray wolf the boot from the “Endangered” list so we can manage their numbers and protect our livelihoods.

Now, we all love a good wildlife tale, but when it starts messing with folks trying to make a living, that’s where we draw the line. The Endangered Species Act shouldn’t mean putting critters above hardworking Americans. Rep. Cliff Bentz and his crew of 20 House Republicans are telling the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to get their act together and focus on species actually in danger of extinction. It’s time to stop the wolf pack from causing chaos and let ranchers breathe easy without the fear of legal penalties for defending their property.

Wolves may be cool to spot in the wild, but they’re not so fun when they’re eyeing your livestock. Ranchers and farmers shouldn’t have to resort to the “Shoot, Shovel, Shut up” approach just to protect what’s rightfully theirs. There are plenty of wolves up in Alaska, no endangered species there! So why list them as endangered in areas where they’re causing more harm than good? It’s time to give the folks on the frontlines the right to safeguard their property without jumping through hoops.

Ranchers have rights, too, and those rights shouldn’t be trampled on in the name of wildlife preservation. Alaskans get it – we coexist with these creatures daily, and we manage just fine without Uncle Sam breathing down our necks. Time for common sense to prevail and for the Biden administration to stop sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong. Let’s protect both our wild and human inhabitants without playing favorites.


Written by Staff Reports

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