
Women’s Group Appeals to UN Over Biden’s Title IX Changes

The Independent Council on Women's Sports wrote a letter to the United Nations about their concerns with the Biden administration's changes to Title IX. They feel that allowing biological males to participate in competition within women's sports would harm and violate women. They think that these changes will put women and girls at a disadvantage and risk both physical and psychological harm. 

The adjustments made by the Biden administration to Title IX, incorporating gender identity within the definition of "sex," have faced substantial criticism from ICONS. They argue that this move will ultimately prioritize men over women.

The group's co-founders, Marshi Smith and Kim Jones, argued that with the stroke of a pen, the Biden administration has turned Title IX into a law that subjugates women and girls. They highlighted the increased potential for harm when males compete in female sports and pointed out specific cases, such as an MMA fighter and a men's volleyball player, as examples of potential harm.

They also criticized the NCAA's policy that allows males to compete against females in certain sports. The group believes that using testosterone levels as the standard is deemed "arbitrary and meaningless." They contend that the inherent advantage males possess cannot be reversed., and even if a male has reduced his athletic prowess via hormone-level manipulation, he is still fundamentally male.

The letter highlighted the disparity between state laws preventing males from participating in female sports and the NCAA's policy. They argued that this would create a situation where male athletes might seize opportunities from females in specific states and compel females to search for schools and athletic associations safeguarding their rights.

The concerns raised in the letter also extended beyond college sports to high school sports, where incidents of male athletes injuring and causing harm to female athletes were cited. The ICONS emphasized the psychological trauma experienced by female athletes as they struggle with accommodating aggressive males in their sports and private spaces.

The ICONS letter also referenced specific cases, such as a former University of Pennsylvania swimmer, as examples of the harm caused by allowing men to compete in women's sports. They highlighted instances where women who expressed discomfort or fear were silenced and emotionally blackmailed.

In conclusion, the group's letter to the United Nations emphasizes the harmful effects of allowing biological males to compete in female sports. They called for action to protect the rights and safety of private spaces of women and girls in sports.

Written by Staff Reports

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