In a shocking turn of events, it seems President Joe Biden’s once unwavering support from the Black community is starting to crumble. According to reports, the Biden campaign is facing a major setback as it struggles to recruit Black surrogates, highlighting a steep decline in the President’s popularity among this crucial demographic for the Democrats.
Biden’s previous statements and policies have left many Black voters feeling alienated and disheartened. His controversial remarks such as, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black,” have raised serious concerns about his commitment to the Black community. Additionally, his history of making condescending statements and pushing policies that seem to disregard the concerns of Black voters have only added fuel to the fire.
Which Really Means Enough Blacks To Help Him Steal The 2024 Election…
Report: Biden Campaign Failing to ‘Recruit Enough’ Black Surrogates
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) January 9, 2024
The Democratic party’s failure to effectively communicate Biden’s record to skeptical Black voters has only exacerbated the situation. Even key Democratic figures like Rep. Jim Clyburn have expressed their apprehensions about the party’s inability to resonate with Black voters. It’s become evident that the Democrats are struggling to replicate the level of support and turnout they received during the Obama era, signaling further trouble for Biden’s appeal among Black voters.
To make matters worse, recent polling data has revealed a significant drop in Biden’s support among Black voters. Only 72 percent of Black voters currently back Biden, and the Democrats have been steadily losing ground among Black voters over the past decade. In fact, Biden’s standing among nonwhite voters hasn’t been this dismal since Walter Mondale’s presidential bid in 1984.
The Biden campaign’s feeble attempts to reassure the Black community have fallen flat, as they continue to face criticism for their lackluster outreach and engagement with Black voters. While they claim to be making significant investments in Black media and communities, the results speak for themselves, and the Black community’s trust in the Biden administration seems to be waning.
It’s clear that Biden’s once steadfast support among Black voters is rapidly eroding, and the Democratic party is scrambling to salvage their standing within this pivotal demographic. As the Black community’s dissatisfaction with the Biden administration continues to mount, it remains to be seen whether the Democrats can reverse this troubling trend.