
Biden’s Media Boss Scolds VOA on Israel Bias – You Won’t Believe Why!

Amanda Bennett, the CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, has delivered a stern lecture to employees of Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe, and other government-funded news agencies, warning them against crossing the line from journalist to activist. In an email sent to all employees, Bennett reminded them to “stay in their lane” as reporters of the news, rather than trying to shape the outcome like players. She emphasized that activism is not the practice that they should engage in, especially when working in USAGM news networks. Bennett, a Biden political appointee, praised activism as a noble practice that changes the world but reminded employees that they have chosen to serve the world as journalists.

Although Bennett did not mention any specific incident that prompted her email, the scolding comes at a time when VOA and news organizations globally have been divided over their coverage of Hamas’ attack on Israel and Israel’s response. VOA made headlines last month when an editor instructed employees not to label Hamas as “terrorists,” instead suggesting terms like “militants.” Reporters were even allowed to call the incursion into Israel, which included the killing of civilians, a “terrorist attack.” While USAGM did not point to a specific prompt for Bennett’s email, they stated that it was in response to the present challenges facing newsrooms around the world.

Daniel Robinson, a former White House, congressional, and foreign correspondent for VOA, criticized Bennett’s email as “strange and confusing.” He argued that while Bennett expressed discomfort with VOA policy that was criticized by congressional Republicans, she also defended a policy endorsing Hamas as a freedom-fighting group. In her email, Bennett acknowledged the high emotions in newsrooms due to the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza and sought to remind everyone of the clear distinction between journalism and activism. She asserted that their job was not to parrot the other side’s views but to report the news factually and honestly, something that dictators fear.

VOA has faced several struggles in its coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In one story, VOA reported that Israeli strikes hit Gaza’s largest hospital, even after Israeli officials denied involvement and attributed the blasts to Hamas rocket-propelled grenades. It was not until November 10th that VOA published a story including the Israeli denial deep within it. The original story remained online, uncorrected, as of November 17th. In response to criticism from Daniel Robinson, VOA stated that it would attach an editor’s note to the original story reflecting Israel’s denial. However, Robinson criticized VOA for maintaining pro-Hamas headlines and content online for over a week when Israeli denials were available. He also criticized VOA’s unwillingness to label Hamas as terrorists, arguing that there is no moral equivalency and that trying to draw a connection with the occupation is absurd.

Written by Staff Reports

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