
Explosive News: Russian Power Player Yevgeny Prigozhin Dead, Uncertainty Looms!

In a tragic turn of events, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Group PMC, was killed in a plane crash in Russia. The crash occurred when a Brazilian-made Embraer jet carrying Prigozhin and several other high-ranking officials went down near Kuzhenkino. The details surrounding the crash are still unclear, but there are speculations that the plane may have been shot down by the Wagner Group itself. Russian sources have been pushing theories of a bomb on the plane, but these claims seem unlikely at this point.

Prigozhin’s death has raised many questions about the future of the Wagner Group. Without their leader, it is expected that the group will quickly dissolve, leaving behind a power vacuum. This will undoubtedly have repercussions within the ruling Kremlin clique, as they process the fact that Putin was willing to openly kill a longtime associate and confidant. Whether or not Putin ordered the hit, the Russian people have little doubt that he was involved in some way.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Prigozhin has died in a plane crash. In 2019, he was also reported to have died in a plane crash while providing support for the Congolese president. The timing of this latest crash is noteworthy, as it comes just months after Prigozhin led his Wagner Group fighters in a mutiny or coup attempt. This suggests that there may be political motivations behind Prigozhin’s death.

In addition to Prigozhin’s death, General Sergei Surovikin, commander of Russia’s Aerospace Forces, was dismissed. Surovikin was believed to have either supported the mutiny/coup by the Wagner Group or known about it and did nothing to stop it. This dismissal is seen as a final settling of accounts and a message from Putin that he will not tolerate any challenges to his authority.

In light of Prigozhin’s death and the dismissal of Surovikin, it seems that the Russian government has decided to distance itself from the Wagner Group and focus on promoting the Redut PMC as its brand of choice for work in Africa. It is expected that Redut will absorb Wagner’s commercial ventures in Africa along with its role in the fighting. This shift in strategy could have implications for Russia’s involvement in conflicts throughout the region.

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