
Hawley Takes Chris Wray To Task For Lying And FBI Bias In A Grilling 

Yesterday, we reported on Christopher Wray's House testimony. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) asked about FBI operatives or informants in the Capitol on Jan. 6. Wray lost.On Thursday, Wray spoke before the Senate, and senators wanted to clear up a few items from his prior appearance. Wray declined to answer further questions from Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans on August 4. His aircraft was leaving soon. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said Wray travelled on a private jet, so why couldn't he wait? Wray said he had "other business"

"Business" was using our private jet to visit his Adirondacks house. Whoops.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called Wray out for lying on Thursday. So you left a statutorily required oversight hearing in order to go on a personal vacation in the Adirondacks?” said Hawley. Wray claims the "other business" he was referring to was next week's business, fooling Grassley. He left the meeting to go on vacation, blew off 20 minutes of questioning, and lied to get out of it.Hawley questioned whether the trip was paid for. FBI officials used to compensate taxpayers at the commercial rate for personal travels. Wray said he financed the flight. He said he had to fly.

Hawley criticised Wray for evading scrutiny and going on vacation. Hawley criticised him for sending more than a dozen agents to arrest a pro-life activist at gunpoint in front of his children early in the morning, even though he presented no danger and had volunteered to turn himself in if necessary.

Hawley said whistleblowers claim the FBI, including the Washington field office, pulled agents from other cases, such as child sex abuse and human trafficking, to deal with Jan. 6 cases, to give the "appearance" (according to the whistleblowers) that there were hundreds of new domestic terrorism cases brewing. Whistleblowers also raised concerns about the deployment of SWAT teams on non-violent individuals who attended the Jan. 6 event and on those who weren't present. According to whistleblowers, all of this was done because of a political direction.

Hawley said whistleblowers stated leadership suppressed Hunter Biden probes against procedure and punished against them for speaking to Congress. Hawley emphasised whistleblower protections.Hawley:“This is what is happening at your FBI while you are evading oversight hearings,” He claimed Wray wasn't qualified and should've been fired long ago. He stated there will be a second round of questioning and asked if Wray would remain around.

The Senate Republicans don't control the chamber, but they and the House ought to investigate not just Wray's lying to Congress — that's essential — but also his conduct of office, which is a far more serious matter given the prejudice claimed and demonstrated. The FBI is corrupted. Cleaning up won't be as easy as sacking Wray; it may take till 2024. The GOP must hold Wray and leadership accountable and protect whistleblowers.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Red State.

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