
Poll: RFK Jr.’s Presidential Bid Fueled By Family Name, Not Policy

According to recent reports, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign is mostly driven by his family name and connections. This comes as no surprise to many political commentators who have long speculated that his surname was the only thing propelling his candidacy. A poll conducted by SSRS for CNN shows that 20% of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s supporters are supporting him solely because of his family name and connections.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is known for being an environmental attorney and prominent vaccine skeptic. As a member of the Kennedy family, he has played a significant role in American public life over the last 80 years. However, Kennedy has not been able to showcase any real policy positions, and his campaign seems more focused on using his family name as a political placeholder.

Meanwhile, the poll conducted by SSRS suggests that a massive 17% of voters admit they know nothing about Kennedy beyond his name, but would like to learn more. That leaves us with only 12% of voters who claim to support Kennedy because of his policies; this is a disappointingly low number for a presidential candidate.

Kennedy launched his campaign for the Democratic nomination in April and has proposed a variety of policy positions that are not shared by his party mainstream base. Although he has put forward some policies that are favored by Republicans, such as election security and criticism of the U.S. involvement in Russia’s war against Ukraine, he has adopted more left-leaning positions on issues such as climate change and unionization.

Poll after poll shows that Kennedy is polling significantly ahead of Marianne Williamson, who has joined the race for the Democratic nomination. However, Kennedy’s overall polling numbers are not strong, with his poll numbers only at 20% against Joe Biden.

It is evident that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign is underwhelming and under-performing, and his policies are not resonating with Americans outside his privileged circle. It’s time for Kennedy to rethink his candidacy.

Source: The Daily Caller

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