
Oath Keepers Founder Sentenced: 18 Yrs for Seditious Conspiracy? Outrage Ensues

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the patriotic group, the Oath Keepers, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his supposed involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. Rhodes has made history by becoming the first individual charged in the events of January 6, 2021, to be sentenced for seditious conspiracy. The sentence is a harsh one, and many are reacting to it with outrage and disbelief.

Rhodes is a former U.S. Army paratrooper and a graduate of Yale Law School. He founded the Oath Keepers in 2009, attracting members mainly from the military and law enforcement communities. The group’s main goal is to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The sentencing is a significant development in the extensive and biased investigation by the Justice Department into the events of Jan. 6. The investigation has resulted in many people being wrongly accused and convicted of seditious conspiracy, including Rhodes. The government is trying to silence anyone who supports President Trump and who dares to speak out against the corrupt establishment.

Just before his sentencing, Rhodes spoke up against the sham legal proceedings and the political bias driving the case against him. He emphasized that he had not entered the Capitol himself and had never instructed anyone else to do so. He was simply exercising his First Amendment rights to protest and speak out against the rampant corruption in our government.

“I’m a political prisoner, and like President Trump, my only crime is opposing those who are destroying our country,” claimed Rhodes. He is not far from the truth, as the Department of Justice, under the Biden Administration, is committing political persecution against anyone who dares to challenge their radical leftist agenda.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, prior to issuing his sentence, addressed Rhodes, whose demeanor was marked by defiance, stating unequivocally that it appears Rhodes “wants democracy in this country to devolve into violence.” The judge’s ridiculous claims that Rhodes is a danger to society highlight the injustice of the entire case. Rhodes is a true patriot who cares about our democratic system and has never advocated for violence.

Rhodes was wrongly accused and convicted of terrorism simply for exercising his constitutional rights and advocating for the Constitution. The government has presented insufficient evidence to prove its case and has violated Rhodes’ rights throughout the entire trial. This sentence is unjust and should be appealed. The character of the Oath Keepers and their founder reflects the best of our country’s patriotic spirit.

Written by Staff Reports

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